Awards We Have Won

Why do Schools Gain Awards?
Many schools are very proud of the work they do and are content to share this with their families. However, schools can apply for recognition at a national level through a range of award schemes, to quality assure the work they do and to say thank you and well done for the effort the children and staff put in to learning and wellbeing, every single day. At Earlsheaton Infants School we are very proud to have gained some significant awards, which you can find out more about below.
Leeds Carnegie Mental Health in Schools Award
This national award is intended to recognise the work schools do to support the Emotional Health and Wellbeing of their children, families and staff. An independant assessor looks at all the evidence schools put forward and judges them against criteria in 8 seperate areas. We were delighted to be recognised for our Outstanding work and were awarded the Gold award. At the time of writing we are only 1 of 4 schools to achieve this level in Kirklees, and by far the smallest school of those 4. We are very proud of the work we do to support and promote good mental health skills for anyone connecged to our school family. If you would like to find out more then look at our Mental Health and Wellbeing page on this website. You can read the report from our award assessor here.

Arts Award
We are delighted to be an accredited Arts Award School. All our children complete a quality assured programme throughout their time here in school and can earn the Discover level Arts Award on leaving Year Two. After an intensive assessment process we were delighted to be given the Artsmark Gold award, which indicates the breadth and quality of arts provision available in our school. Throughout their time with us children enjoy a programme of art, design and music teaching which gives them a secure grounding to move forward and excel in these subjects in their next schools.
Eco Schools
We have an Eco Council with representatives from each class, who are trying hard to help make our school a more eco-friendly place to be. Thanks to their work, which included reminding us all about saving energy and water in school, recycling and an organised litter-pick, we have already reached the bronze level. Silver, here we come!

Historic England Heritage Schools Award
We have recently submitted our work for this award, so watch this space. Run by Historic England, it expects schools to embed local history within their history curriculum and helps children to gain a sense of belonging to their community. As part of this project we looked at the listed building opposite school and contributed to the English Heritage 'Enrich the List' campaign, that encourages people to add thier impressions, drawings and photographs of local listed buildings to the official entry. You can view our contributions here:

Music Mark
The Music Mark schools programme celebrates schools who are committed to providing a high-quality music education.
We were delighted that our school has been recognised as providing this for all children. Our assessors found:
- evidence of a willingness to engage in development conversations, related to improving music provision
- that school recognises the value of music education as part of a broad and balanced curriculum
- a strategy for music in place which provides for all children