We expect all our children to wear correct uniform in school.

School Uniform - Year One & Two
Lessons become more formal in Key Stage One and so does our uniform.
- white or light blue polo shirt
- navy sweatshirt, cardigan, fleece jacket or hoody (with the school logo or plain)
- black or grey school trousers, shorts, skirts or pinafore dresses
- blue and white check school-type dresses or playsuits in the summer
- black or navy school shoes with non-slip soles or black/mostly black trainers
School Uniform - Reception
We ask our Reception children to dress for an active indoors/outdoors day.
- white or light blue polo shirt
- plain black or grey jogging bottoms or leggings or shorts
- navy blue jumper or hoody (with the school logo or plain)
- blue and white checked school-type dress or play suit in summer
- black or mostly dark trainers with non-slip soles
Where to Buy Uniform
Items with the school logo are available at Rawcliffes, in Dewsbury town centre. Plain items are widely available in all local supermarkets and if you wish to add the logo and/or your child's initials, this can be done at Ravensport in Earlsheaton.
PE Kit
Children in Years One and Two need a PE kit in school at all times. This should be in a named, draw-string bag and will be kept in the cloakroom. Children will bring them home to wash at the end of each half term. It must include:
- plain white T-shirt
- plain black or navy shorts or leggings
- trainers with non-slip soles (Summer term only)
Children in Reception will need to bring a named PE bag to school with the items listed above in the Summer term, after Spring Bank half term. This is to introduce getting changed for PE in Year One.