Performance Data and Trends Over Time
Please note there was no published data available for UK schools from 2020-2022, due to the impact the Covid19 pandemic had on education at all levels. The DfE made this statement:
“The government will not publish school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. They have archived data from the 2018 to 2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.”
-What Schools Must Publish Online, updated September 2022
We were pleased with our 2023 results, which were a clear reflection of the hard work of our children and staff, our development work and our use of funding grants to support vulnerable children. The following information compares our results to those Nationally, over the last few years. Please note that one child is equal to around 3%.
Early Years Foundation Stage - End of Reception Year

We were proud that the percentage of our Reception cohort achieving a 'Good Level of Development' was above National, prior to the pandemic. However, post-Covid we have seen first-hand the detrimental effect lockdowns had on our youngest children. All cohorts since 2020 have had a marked increase in complex communication and social/emotional issues. Our 2022/23 EYFS class typified this with an almost even split of those who were ready for school and those who would have benefitted from an additional year at Nursery.
National Phonic Test - End of Year One

We are absolutely delighted that the vast majority of our Year One children meet the National Phonic Standard. This is a reflection of our fidelity to our chosen phonic scheme, Essential Letters and Sounds, and swift identification and intervention for those who need some 'catch up'. Although our results fell very slightly in 2023 when compared with pre-Covid levels, they have not fallen as far as the National result has.
Core Subject Expected Standard - End of Year Two

We were absolutely delighted with our 2023 results. They reflect the emphasis we have put on developing Phonics and reading through school over the past few years. Our Writing result was slightly under National but only by one child. Writing is scheduled to be our main subject focus of 2024/25.
Core Subject Greater Depth - End of Year Two

Again, we were absolutely delighted with our 2023 Greater Depth results. They reflect the focus Year Two has had on developing comprehension and personal response to books in their Reading sessions. Having a rich diet of sophisticated vocabulary and a good understanding of how story structure works has also had a positive impact on the Writing these children produced, being double the National figure. Our maths was very slightly under National but this is the focus for our subject development work across school this year and will continue in 2024/25 as part of our Maths Mastery work with the Maths Hub.