Reading at School and Home

Reading at Home
Children will bring home books to practice the sounds they have learned in their daily phonics sessions. The books are chosen carefully by our staff to match each child’s ability, so they should be able to read them to an adult or older sibling at home with no problems.
Our reading scheme is published by Oxford University Press and has been carefully created by them to support our Essential Letters and Sounds phonic scheme very closely. Oxford University Press have lots of resources available for parents/carers on their website. Click on the logo below to visit the Oxford Owl website, where you can access free e-books, find hints and tips and plenty of resources to support maths and other subjects as well.

We are a Reading School!
It is our mission to give children the skills and knowledge to make them fluent and confident readers. We do this through two approaches:
Decoding:These are the strategies we use to work out what a word says. We teach this through our daily phonics sessions. We follow our validated scheme, Essential Letters and Sounds, with complete fidelity right from the first week in Reception; this means most children become fluent and accurate decoders very quickly. Please check the Phonics page on our website for more information and how you can support phonics learning at home.
Comprehension:This is developing understanding of what they are reading and being able to predict what might happen next in a story, suggest why a character is behaving in a certain way or find key information in a non-fiction book. This is taught through Book Detective sessions which might use a text that children cannot yet read independently. Children will be able to talk about the themes, settings and characters and their personal reaction to it by having it read to them or using the pictures as clues.