Admissions- How to Apply for a Place at Our School

All applications for admission to our school must now be made online. This can be done by visiting the Kirklees Admissions site, just click on this link to go directly to the page.
Admissions to Reception in September 2025
If you would like to apply for a place in Reception in September 2025 (for children born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021) then you must apply online by the 15th January 2025. If you apply after this date then it will be classed as a late application by Kirklees and it is unlikely you will get your first choice of school.
My child has Additional Needs
We are an inclusive school and welcome children with any additional needs, either academic or social/emotional.
We understand that finding the right school is worrying for any parent and when your child has additional needs it can become overwhelming. Please come and look round our school, meet our Head Teacher and have a chat about what your child's needs are. We will always be honest and realistic with you; our building is small and we have some limitations when it comes to children who don't use the toilet or feed themselves independently. It's highly unlikely we can provide constant one to one adult support. However, we successfully meet the complex needs of many children on a daily basis so if you think we're the right place for your child to start their education, we will be delighted to welcome you into our school family.
My child is very young and I don't think they're ready for school yet
If your child is 'summer born', which is if their birthday falls between April 1st and August 31st, and you do not feel they are emotionally or physically ready to start school in September, you now have two options.
1. You can request that your child attends part-time for the Autumn and Spring terms and goes full time when the summer term starts (this is after the Easter Holidays), or
2. You can ask for your child to remain at a Nursery for another year (you will still receive the free funding for 15 or 30 hours) and then apply for a place in Reception or Year One to start the following September. If you choose to apply for Reception then your child will be the oldest in the class and will not miss out on their play-based curriculum year. If you choose to apply for Year One your child will be one of the youngest in the class and they will start formal National Curriculum teaching straight away.
Either option could be the right one for your child. If you want to talk about it before making your choice then just give us a call and we will discuss the pros and cons of both approaches with you. Alternatively, you can contact Kirklees admissions for further information.
If you would like to visit the school before you submit your application then please call the office on 01924 460969 to make an appointment.
Admission to Reception, Year One or Two through the year
We would always recommend you visit our school before making an in-year application; please ring the school office to make an appointment. We can then advise you whether have spaces in the year group/s you are looking for. When you have looked round and wish to apply for a place then our office staff can talk to you about the in-year application process, which is done through Kirklees Admissions.